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Taiwan Excellence


Advancements in robotics make remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) more accessible to smaller companies, local governments, and universities. Easy to use portable and reliable underwater systems are deployed for inspection, research, rescue operations, etc. Taiwan's Thunder Tiger's Seadragon underwater sonar robot is designed for underwater shooting and exploration. This easy to operate USV can carry a 5 kg payload, includes sonar underwater positioning. With a maximum depth of 100m and 100m cable length, the Seadragon is already able to support many tasks. The high-definition cameras are used to search for underwater targets, crate underwater seabed maps, and help rescuers with location tasks. Optional underwater robotic arms can carry 2 to 3 times more payload than similar-sized small ROV on the market. Learn more information about Taiwan Excellence Award-winning Seadragon ROV from Thunder Tiger Corp. here: https://bit.ly/2RPXbmu